Why Do We Celebrate Vijay Diwas?
Hey folks, ever wondered why we go all out celebrating Vijay Diwas on December 16th? Well, it’s not just any day; it’s the day our brave Indian Armed Forces showed the world what they’re made of! Picture this: the heroic victory of 1971 against Pakistan, the day they threw in the towel, and India helped birth the beautiful Bangladesh.
A Quick Glance at the War
Back in ’71, India and Pakistan had a showdown. Why? Because our Pakistani neighbors weren’t treating our Bengali friends in East Pakistan right. Our Indian Army stepped in to help the Bengalis get the freedom they deserved. The war? A fierce 13-day showdown, and guess what? India aced it!
About Bangladesh
Before ’71, Bangladesh was stuck with Pakistan, and the folks there weren’t having the best time. So, they said, “Enough is enough!” With India’s support, they fought for their own country, and voila! Bangladesh was born on December 16, 1971.
How Bangladesh Got Free
Imagine the determination of the Bangladeshi people coupled with the valor of the Indian Army – a combo for the history books! For nine months, they fought their hearts out. And on that magical day, December 16th, ’71, the Pakistani Army realized they were outmatched, and Bangladesh became its own boss.

After the War: What Changed for Pakistan and India?
For India, it was a feather in the cap – a showcase of strength, bravery, and the spirit of doing what’s right. But for Pakistan, it meant big changes. The war stirred things up between India and Pakistan, changing their relationship forever.
Now, on Vijay Diwas, we salute our heroes, the rockstars of the 1971 Indian Army – Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, Lieutenant General Jagjit Singh Aurora, and so many more who made this victory possible.
And hey, while we’re talking victories, there’s a buzz about PM Modi’s grand plan to take over POK (Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir). It’s like a chess game, and our PM’s making moves that might just change the game. Stay tuned, folks – the saga continues! 🇮🇳✨